Where do I start?

I'm a freak - there is no denying it.

Friday, September 3, 2010

When people run in circles, it's a very very mad world...

I'm at such a good place in life, and the final piece of perspective seems to be settling into place.


I still am so impatient. I don't want to wait to see what is gonna happen. I don't want to take it one day at a time. I want to know. I feel like I can be patient on the journey, I can wait for YEARS to have what I want if I must, but if only I could KNOW what the outcome will be. If only I could know; know that the journey I am on will take me in the right direction, that the choices I am making are not the same mistakes of the past. If a little bird could alight on my shoulder and whisper to me that my choices now are better. That they are going to give me the results that I want. That I am finally getting it, taking control of my destiny and that my steps are sure.

I am happy. I know that I have removed the drama from my life that sucks my spirit from me and steals my passion. I know that I am strong, that I am amazing, and that I make better choices when I remove myself from those situations and relationships that compromise who I am.

I just don't want to wait to know that the positive steps I am taking are in the right direction. And yes, I know that the journey is on the right path, I just want to know the quickest way to my heart's desire. Is it really too much to ask?

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