Where do I start?

I'm a freak - there is no denying it.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I am- fortunate. Very loved, very grateful.
I want- to graduate from college.
I have- a very loving and adoring husband.
I miss- my sisters. They know who they are.
I fear- spiders. Eew.
I hear- my son early every morning.
I search- my son's face to see what really matters in life.
I wonder- what if.....
I regret- only how I treated my siblings when I was young. I'm sorry - I didn't know any better. I would take it back if I could.
I love-
I forgive- if I am asked to. Forgetting is much harder.
I ache- . I am old. Seriously, it sucks.
I always- procrastinate.
I try-
I seem- bitchy sometimes, because I am. Sometimes.
I know- who I am, but it's harder to practice than to preach.
I feel- like no one will ever really understand me. I just don't fit in.
I dance- as often as I can, which is not enough.
I dream- about living in Italy at some point in my life.
I give- up on these surveys. Too hard for me to answer.
I listen- to everything around me.
I sing- all the time, but I don't think what I do is really singing.
I laugh- but wish I did so a hundred times more!
I can't - believe I couldn't get tickets to the Doors documentary. Oh, man!
I cry- over so many things. Happy and sad.
I sleep- crapily. Never enough. And I wake up to pee a lot.
I am- working on taking care of me.
I see- that it is nearly dinner time.
I need- to go make it!

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