Where do I start?

I'm a freak - there is no denying it.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Well, hopefully things are looking up.
I am ready for school, anyway. Looking forward to it, really. Got me a parking pass and my books and my first installment payment processed. Check.

Writing will be a breeze. Hell, it is the one class I do better in when I am inebriated, and since I will be taking it online, consider it aced.

Math, ugh. Three hours and fifty minutes as the start to my weekend. It was either than or four days a week, and I refuse to commit that much to math. I do have commitment issues, I am told. I am counting on having an instructor who wants out of there as badly as the students will. Karma, I love you. Evolu-hoo!

I am going to Burning Man 2009. Evolution is the theme, and I plan on living and breathing that as my mantra. Evolve. At this point it is not in the plans for Dayn to go. I am hoping that Alyce will feel the pull to the playa this year. Evolution.

I am pushing my own foolish, self-imposed boundaries a bit. Scary; a bit forced. But I am doing it. Evol-who?

Still sad. But it's just from my SAD. And I'm working on it....

This year is about me, and f%#@ those toxic people who would drain my very joy from my soul. I will work on spending the time I usually give them on me, and let's see where that gets me!

1 comment:

  1. I really like your post I think it is a good goal to work toward... Evolve.... I like it. Have fun in math class. That is one thing I do not miss about school. I really like how you are taking a active approach to better your feeling and your soul. I am happy that you are going to burning man. I think you need and deserve this for yourself. I love you woman you are amazing!!!!!
